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The Dark Knight

The movie fails to live up to the hype. How could anything live up to the hype that it received? Heath Ledger lived up to the hype. Don't let your kids see this. Just because it's not bloody doesn't mean it's not brutally violent and disturbing.


HOO-rah. I thought it was a good movie, but horribly marketed as being child appropriate.

Heck, I had nightmares!

August 26, 2008 at 11:59 AM  

I agree, it was excellent, it's tough to do an action movie that deals with nihilism so intimately. I loved the actual growth of Batman during the film and thought it was wholly well thought out, performed and directed.

It wasn't for kids. I've mentioned over on the other blog that I'm getting sick of nine year olds licking their lips and doing their best Joker impersonation. It was a dark brooding look into the darkness of the human animal and I have a hard time believing that kids get that and can balance what they see with what it means.


August 26, 2008 at 8:53 PM  

Maybe I didn't get a clear view of the hype, but the movie far exceeded my expectations. Few movies validate the theater experience; most leave you feeling cheap and ugly. Dark Knight is the kind of movie that the big screen and $4.00 popcorn were made for.

I did not realize it was heavily marketed toward children. I just assumed it was marketed toward the adults who were children when Batman was meant for children. Batman has been gradually and surely growing up with his audience. I definitely agree that this is not a kids' movie. Certainly a 13 and upper.

August 27, 2008 at 3:12 AM  

Tommy, thanks for the comment.

Maybe it's cultural, since I'm more of a comic book guy and I was reading and watching for information on the movie. Also, it's a bit of the post movie hype. I hear, "Best movie ever.", a lot and I don't think that this movie is that good.

I think this is the part I'm not making clear. I thought the movie was phenomenal. For a movie it was everything I wanted. But, $14 later I left the theater as bored as I was before. Shouldn't art have shaken me up a little and done something about my world view?

Is TDK art? Is my estimation of what art should do fair?

August 27, 2008 at 5:21 AM  

The Dark Knight completely lived up to the hype. Every word. It was better than Godfather, Star Wars, Casablanca, and Citizen Kane. It had more action and suspense than all the Die Hard and Lethal Weapon films combined. It was better than most world religions. In the question about which is better: Raiders of the Lost Ark or First Blood?, The Dark Knight wins, hands down.

August 29, 2008 at 7:46 AM  

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